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Excersus LXIV: From the South, With Destruction


In the mythology, Tyr gets two totally different adjectives affixed to his name. You can be Tyr-Courageous AND you can be Tyr-wise. And those are just the ones that have come down to us in the half dozen or so manuscripts that have survived. I'm pretty sure that, if we had all the documents, we'd find that Tyr was the Norse equivalent of Hella.

In comic news, I've started the process towards publishing the first story arc. Luckily, the format for the first episodes was not what I need, so that gives me an excuse to redo them, touch them up with what I've learned in the past year and a half and, I promise, without altering what actually happened. No Greedo shooting first. Tune into the ftgcomic Twitter feed to hear more as it happens!

- Count Dolby von Luckner

- Count Dolby von Luckner